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Great news – Contribution rates are going down in 2022!

We are pleased to announce a reduction in member and employer contribution rates effective January 1, 2022.

This reduction means that more money will remain in your pocket. A member earning $70,000 a year will save around $640 next year.

The rates below reflect the change to both member and employer contributions.

Contribution rates for 2021 Contribution Rates for 2022
Below YMPE* 10.47% 9.6%
Above YMPE* 14.95% 13.7%

*YMPE – Year’s Maximum Pension Earnings. It is set by the Government of Canada each year. In 2021, the YMPE is $61,600.

This decrease will not affect the benefit you will receive when you retire – the PSPP Sponsor Board is able to reduce contribution rates because the Plan is in a strong financial position.