Disability Pensions
A member who becomes incapable of working because of mental or physical impairment may be eligible for a disability pension even if not yet aged 55.
Depending on the severity of the impairment, the member may be entitled to a partial disability pension or a total disability pension that is determined by the medical evidence.
For information on how a member qualifies and applies for disability pension, please visit the Member Disability Pensions page.
Once the member submits their disability pension application to PSPP. PSPP will:
- forward the Confidential Medical Statement (and any accompanying diagnostic evidence) to a medical consultant, who will review the information and indicate if the member is partially or totally disabled for the purposes of the Plan. The medical consultant may also perform or request an additional examination of the member to evaluate the member’s condition;
- advise the member whether their application for a disability pension has been granted and provide the member with a pension options package; and
- have the member’s condition re-evaluated every two years as described below, assuming a disability pension was granted.