As of December 5, 2022, your Public Service Pension Plan will no longer accept forms submitted by your employer. Any updates or changes to your pension, pension partner, beneficiary or contact information should be communicated in Secure Messages through the Your Pension Profile (YPP) sign-in at the top right of this website. All documents can…
Thank you to everyone who attended the PSPP employer year-end training session on September 27, 2022. A total of 57 participants representing 89% of PSPP employers attended – what a great turnout! Your roles in the year-end process are very important to ensure timely and accurate data submissions toward your employees’ retirement benefits. The sooner…
As of January 1, 2023, your Sponsor Board has changed PSPP contribution rates to the following: For more information on how your pension contributions are calculated, please click here.
Today, research released by the Canadian Centre for Economic Analysis (CANCEA) confirms that public sector pensions contribute significantly to the provincial economy, providing value to all Albertans and benefitting the local communities in which they live. The economic research was commissioned by PSPP, the Local Authorities Pension Plan (LAPP), the Alberta Teachers’ Retirement Fund (ATRF)…
As of July 1, terminated members may withdraw the commuted value of their pension up to the age of 55. After the member turns 55, the funds will be held in the Plan until their retirement.
2022 COLA The Cost of Living Adjustment for 2022 is 1.56% on base pension. This increase was effective as of January 1, 2022 and was automatically applied to your pension. Members who retired during 2021 will receive a prorated portion of this increase. Those who retired in, or prior to, 2020 will receive a full COLA.…