April 22, 2020 There have been a number of recent media articles regarding the performance of the PSPP fund’s legislated investment manager, Alberta Investment Management Corporation (AIMCo). PSPP Corporation is aware of AIMCo’s performance as we receive regular reporting and communicate frequently with AIMCo. The recent investment performance will not impact your pension benefit. Your…
April 3, 2020 Investment returns are particularly important in ensuring funding of benefits under the Plan. The investment markets can be very challenging due to the ever-changing economic and political factors that can affect investment markets globally. These challenges can result in extreme volatility over short periods of time. The key for long-term investors, such…
March 24, 2020 With COVID-19 continuing to impact the lives of everyone, it’s understandable that you may be concerned about how it affects your pension. Rest assured that PSPP Corporation continues to closely monitor the situation and has been working with its pension administration service provider, Alberta Pensions Services Corporation (APS), to ensure essential operations…
Effective March 19, 2020, the Alberta Pensions Services Corporation (APS) building is closed to the public until further notice. The Member Services Centre remains open for telephone calls during regular business hours.Please contact us by telephone or email. You can also use mypensionplan to update your personal information and submit electronic documents through a secure mailbox.
March 18, 2020 Due to the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak, all in-person and group sessions are being postponed until further notice. Anyone who booked a spring session at any of our Alberta locations will be contacted and given the opportunity to reschedule to a telephone session. We are also looking at adding online options for the…
March 18, 2020 We are closely monitoring the situation surrounding the coronavirus (COVID-19) and its potential impact to our operations and services to plan members. During this uncertain time, PSPP remains committed to providing pension benefits administration to its members at all stages of their lives. We are working closely with our pension administration and…