A formal Statement of Investment Policy and Procedures (SIPP) inclusive of governing principles, Plan objectives and risk tolerances, a target mix of asset classes and allowable ranges, performance benchmarks, and permissible investments has been established to guide the implementation of the investment portfolio.
Statement of Investment Policies & Procedures | Download
PSPP has established a standalone Responsible Investment (RI) Policy to govern the integration of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors into investment decision-making processes.
Responsible Investment Policy | Download
Asset Management
AIMCo, as PSPP Corporation’s legislated exclusive provider of investment management services, conducts the day-to-day activities underlying the implementation of the SIPP. Established as a crown corporation in 2008, AIMCo provides a large-scale multi-client investment platform with a global reach to Alberta based public entities including Pension Plans, Endowments and Government Funds.
AIMCo has discretion within its implementation of the asset mix to seek investment returns beyond underlying performance benchmarks. Strategies implemented within each asset class are defined by AIMCo product descriptions, inclusive of investment guidelines along with risk and return targets.
PSPP oversees the implementation of the investment portfolio versus SIPP guidelines and monitors investment results relative to expectations. Central to the process are established reporting channels that deliver timely and accurate information to support PSPP’s ongoing cycle of investment decision making.
More on AIMCo