Your Pension Plan
The Public Service Pension Plan (PSPP) is a defined benefit (DB) pension plan designed to provide you with predictability and security as you look forward to your retirement.
The Value
A defined benefit (DB) pension such as PSPP offers predictability and security. The amount of your pension is predictable because it's based on a formula, not how much was paid into the Plan. This means the amount of your pension won't be affected by market adjustments and downturns in the economy.
View The ValueThe Benefits
There are many benefits to being part of a DB plan. Read on to find out.
View The BenefitsVideos, Forms & Resources
PSPP has many resources to help you understand your pension.
View Videos, Forms & ResourcesPlan Text
PSPP is governed by many rules and regulations, one of them being its Plan text.
View Plan TextEmployer List
Want to see which employer offers a PSPPP benefit? Read on to find out.
View Employer ListGlossary of Terms
A comprehensive list of some terminology commonly used throughout this website.
View Glossary of Terms