Prairies flat grassy landscapes with minimal trees

Management Discussion
and Analysis
Investment Performance

2023 Year in Review

Assets Under Management Investment Income
$18.4 Billion $1.7 Billion
  1 Year 4 Year
Portfolio Return 9.2 % 5.3 %
Benchmark Return 10.3 % 5.4 %
Added Value (1.1) % (0.2) %

Following the aggressive interest rate hiking cycle carried out by central banks in 2022, investors began to see signs that monetary policy was taking hold. Inflation appeared to be dampening without triggering a recession. Despite the optimism, inflation and rising rates continued to be a concern. However, most global economies remained resilient as reflected by strong corporate profits and wage growth outpacing inflation. Interest rate hikes ended mid-year, and by the end of the year the likelihood of a recession seemed low as the prospect of further relief from near-term interest rate cuts became priced into capital markets.

As a result, Equity and Fixed Income markets experienced a strong recovery following the sharp downturn of 2022. However, after providing an element of relief in 2022, valuations in inflation- sensitive exposures of Infrastructure, Real Estate and Renewable Resources asset classes suffered against the backdrop of higher interest rates.

The strength in equity and bond markets contributed to a solid year for PSPP’s investment portfolio. However, the total return of 9.2% was 1.1% below PSPP’s Policy Benchmark return of 10.3%. The poor performance versus the Benchmark was driven by Alberta Investment Management Corporation (AIMCo), PSPP’s legislated asset manager, experiencing underperformance across inflation-sensitive asset classes.

AIMCo’s Public Equity and Fixed Income strategies contributed modest outperformance versus underlying benchmarks. Real Estate and Infrastructure strategies were the most significant contributors to underperformance at the total portfolio level.

Strong investment performance in 2023 helped to balance the poor performance of 2022. However, the four-year total portfolio performance of 5.3% is slightly below long-run expectations. Poor performance relative to PSPP’s Benchmark in 2023 has contributed to AIMCo underperforming PSPP’s four-year annualized benchmark return by 0.2%.

Service Provider Relationships
PSPP Corporation relies on the services provided by APS and AIMCo to deliver on our purpose and our promise. Success requires that we have collaborative relationships that allow us to plan, solve problems and “win” together.

From the PSPP Corporation Strategic Plan, 2024-2026

Investment Decision Framework and Process

Investing in capital markets involves decision making under uncertainty. To manage the risks of seeking returns in the financial marketplace, PSPP Corporation has adopted an industry best practice investment decision framework that features a fiduciary cycle of visiting and revisiting key decisions.

Investment program objectives are established by determining the appropriate level of risk to assume in capital markets within the context of the pension funding model. Assuming higher risk increases expected investment returns and reduces expected contribution levels, but increases the expected volatility of contribution rates. The goal is to balance the risk-reward dynamic of capital market participation.

The portfolio construction phase involves building an investment portfolio that is in line with established objectives and risk tolerance. Capital-market risk is managed by targeting a portfolio that is highly diversified across broad asset classes, strategies and geographies and is optimal from a risk-reward perspective.

PSPP Corporation established a formal Statement of Investment Policy and Procedures (SIPP) inclusive of governing principles, a target mix of asset classes and allowable ranges, performance benchmarks and permissible investments to guide the implementation of the investment portfolio.

PSPP Corporation oversees the implementation of the investment portfolio versus SIPP guidelines and monitors investment results relative to expectations. Critical to the process are established reporting channels that deliver timely and accurate information to support the ongoing cycle of investment decision making.

Parents giving children piggyback ride on walk by lake

Implementation of the SIPP

Policy Asset Mix

PSPP Corporation’s SIPP that was in place as at October 1, 2023 features a policy allocation to the broad asset class categories of Fixed Income, Equities and Alternatives.

Asset Class Weight
Fixed Income 21 %
Equities 44 %
Alternatives 35 %

Equity assets are the highest return and highest risk category in the portfolio. Also, being the largest category of investment, equities are expected to be the return driver within the pension funding model and are critical to meeting long-term objectives.

The Alternative exposure includes allocations to long-lived Real Estate and Infrastructure assets. Long-lived assets typically provide stable and predictable income while offering the potential for long-run capital appreciation. Along with portfolio diversification, Real Estate and Infrastructure assets are expected to provide the pension funding model with a desired element of long-run inflation protection.

Fixed-income assets are the least risky assets in the portfolio and, relative to equities, are expected to deliver lower but more stable returns. Typically having a relatively low correlation to equities, they are expected to provide the portfolio with an important element of downside protection during equity market drawdowns.

PSPP’s policy asset mix reflects a target portfolio that is highly diversified across key drivers of investment return.

35% Alternatives

21% Fixed Income

44% Equities

Investment Management

Alberta Investment Management Corporation (AIMCo) is PSPP Corporation’s legislated exclusive provider of investment management services. Established as a crown corporation in 2008, AIMCo provides a large-scale multi-client investment platform with a global reach to Alberta-based public entities, including Pension Plans, Endowments and Government Funds.

The relationship with AIMCo is governed through an agreement whereby AIMCo implements PSPP Corporation’s SIPP in the financial marketplace and supports the carrying out of decision making, oversight and monitoring responsibilities.

Tall forest of sequoias yosemite national park california

Investment Results

To allow a comparison of actual investment performance to a relevant target, each asset class in the Policy Asset Mix is assigned an appropriate investment performance benchmark. As well, a total portfolio performance benchmark is constructed from underlying asset class performance benchmarks and policy weights.

AIMCo has discretion within its implementation of the Policy Asset Mix to seek investment returns beyond underlying Policy Benchmarks. All strategies implemented within each asset class are defined by AIMCo Product Descriptions, inclusive of investment guidelines along with risk and return targets.

Regular review of investment results versus performance benchmarks allows PSPP Corporation to monitor the effectiveness of AIMCo’s implementation of the SIPP.

2023 was highlighted by strong returns in Equity and Fixed Income markets. The portfolio experienced an overall equity return of 16.5%, 0.2% above the asset class benchmark. Overall Fixed Income returns were 7.6%, 0.1% above the asset class benchmark. In contrast to Equity and Fixed Income returns, the portfolio experienced an overall return in Alternatives markets of 0.4%, 3.2% below the asset class benchmark.

Table of Investment Returns December 31, 2023 Annual Returns % Compound
Return %
Fair Value (in Millions) Asset Mix (%) 2023 2022 2021 2020 4 year
Total Fund Return 18,430.2 100.0 9.2 (4.5) 15.8 1.6 5.3
Policy Benchmark Return (Market Return)     10.3 (5.9) 10.3 8.0 5.4
Value Add     (1.1) 1.5 5.5 (6.3) (0.2)
Money Market 16.8 0.1 4.9 1.9 0.2 0.9 2.0
Fixed Income 3,832.0 20.8 7.6 (8.2) (2.7) 10.4 1.5
Combined Benchmark     7.6 (8.8) (3.8) 9.9 0.9
Value Add     0.1 0.6 1.1 0.6 0.6
Universe Bonds 2,078.5 11.3 7.7 (11.8) (2.3) 9.9 0.5
Private Mortgages 764.7 4.1 4.5 (5.0) 1.2 9.4 2.4
Private Debt & Loan 981.5 5.3 9.5 6.2 8.5 5.9 7.5
Equities 8,526.1 46.3 16.5 (8.8) 23.0 2.6 7.6
Combined Benchmark     16.3 (9.5) 17.5 9.4 7.8
Value Add     0.2 0.7 5.5 (6.8) (0.2)
Canadian Equity 953.8 5.2 12.3 (4.3) 29.5 (2.4) 8.0
Global Equity 6,064.6 32.9 19.4 (8.3) 22.3 4.3 8.7
Emerging Markets 1,507.6 8.2 7.7 (14.1) 1.3 7.7 0.2
Alternatives 6,025.0 32.7 0.4 8.4 16.1 (9.7) 3.4
Combined Benchmark     3.6 5.0 7.2 (0.2) 3.8
Value Add     (3.2) 3.4 8.9 (9.5) (0.5)
Real Estate 2,424.1 13.2 (6.7) 5.1 14.3 (13.7) (0.8)
Canadian Real Estate 1,650.9 9.0 (4.7) 7.3 14.1 (14.0) 0.1
Foreign Real Estate 773.2 4.2 (11.0) 0.2 15.0 (11.2) (2.3)
Infrastructure 2,115.4 11.5 3.9 17.1 19.6 (2.4) 9.2
Renewable Resources 383.4 2.1 3.6 26.6 20.9 (8.3) 9.8
Private Equity 1,102.1 6.0 10.8 (2.6) 58.4 (10.0) 11.4
Portfolio Overlays
Strategic Opportunities 30.4 0.2 1.5 (21.5) (2.7) (2.0) (6.6)

Note: Differences due to rounding
Note: Strategic Opportunities represent investments outside traditional asset classes and mandates

Given negative returns in both 2021 and 2022, four-year annualized Fixed-Income returns have been muted, 1.5% overall and 0.6% above the benchmark. Despite the poor year in 2022, four-year annualized Equity returns were solid, 7.6% overall but 0.2% below the benchmark. Reflecting poor returns in 2020 and 2023, the portfolio experienced a four-year annualized return in Alternatives markets of 3.4% overall, 0.5% below the asset class benchmark.

Investment Decision Making
Risk-reward decisions are some of the most important decisions we make, and are cast in our Statement of Investment Policy. We cannot deliver the pension promise without best-in-class investment policy development and oversight processes. Excellence in this area must remain a priority.

From the PSPP Corporation Strategic Plan, 2024-2026

Investment Performance vs. Long-Term Funding Objectives

The ongoing sustainability of the pension funding model is monitored through the regular completion of actuarial valuations. Given investment returns are the primary source of benefit funding, a key element of the actuarial valuation process is to establish an assumption related to the long-term expected return from the investment portfolio.

Over the last 20 years, actuarial assumptions for expected annual portfolio returns, including a margin for conservatism, have decreased and have averaged 6.3%. As highlighted by the Plan’s historical investment performance, underlying capital market factors have contributed to portfolio returns meeting the long-term objectives of the pension funding model.

Responsible Investment Update

PSPP Corporation’s Responsible Investment policy guides the integration of material Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors into investment decision-making. Plan assets are managed exclusively in the financial interest of Plan beneficiaries; however, ESG factors, including environmental and climate impact, social practices, and governance diversity and transparency, can represent significant long-term risks to the financial health of the Plan.

PSPP Corporation has adopted the UN-led Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) as a practical framework to manage Responsible Investment considerations. PSPP Corporation delegates the implementation of its Responsible Investment policy and Proxy Voting process to its asset manager, AIMCo, and expects AIMCo to uphold the PRI and integrate ESG factors into its investment decision-making and stewardship activities accordingly.

Proxy voting is a fundamental tenet of shareholder rights. It provides a mechanism for shareholders to exercise a voice on corporate governance and ESG matters that promote sustainable, long-term value, regardless of whether they are majority or minority shareholders. For the annual 2023 proxy voting season (12-months ending June 30, 2023), AIMCo, on behalf of PSPP, voted at/on:

  • 4,409 meetings, up 20% from the previous year
  • 49,380 ballot items (including shareholder proposals), up 22% from the previous year. Examples include enhanced climate reporting and chair independence.

Shareholder engagement complements Proxy voting. As our investment manager, AIMCo met with approximately 100 companies in 2023 to spur ongoing, constructive dialogue with investee boards, management teams, and external managers on best ESG practices that drive positive change to deliver value rather than divest and unnecessarily reduce the investible universe. Almost 40% of those engagements were related to the energy and energy-related sectors. Engagements with investee companies occur for several reasons. Often, material ESG issues such as climate risk, human rights, executive compensation, and board diversity are flagged. In 2023, one engagement led to enhanced climate reporting, and another led to greater gender diversity at the company’s board level.

A growing area of Responsible Investment reporting relates to the measurement of the Carbon Footprint underlying investment portfolios. PSPP Corporation is working with AIMCo to measure and report the PSPP portfolio’s Carbon Footprint through the monitoring of greenhouse gas emissions that PSPP finances through loans and equity investments.