The Plan’s funded status is a point in time indicator of its financial health, highlighting the Plan’s security of benefits. The funded status is determined through an actuarial funding valuation prepared by an independent actuary.
Funded status
Actuarial funding valuations are required to be filed with the regulators at least once every three years. The last actuarial funding valuation to be filed for PSPP was completed as at December 31, 2021. As at December 31, 2021, the Plan was 112% funded. Since that time PSPP Corporation has continued to extrapolate the valuation results and assess the health of the Plan on a regular basis. The Plan remains healthy and is well funded.

Actuarial Funding Valuation Summary ($ million)
Going Concern Funded Status | 2021 |
Total Actuarial Assets | $16,983 |
Total Actuarial Liabilities | $15,162 |
Surplus | $1,821 |
The actuarial funding valuation is:
- A point in time look at the Plan’s financial health.
- A comparison of the Plan’s liabilities to its assets.
- Performed on a going-concern basis (assumes Plan will continue indefinitely).
- Prepared by an independent actuary.
- Based on best estimate assumptions about member life expectancy, future earnings, economic conditions and investment returns.
- Filed with Alberta provincial and federal regulators at least every three years. The PSPP Sponsor Board may choose to file a valuation on a more frequent basis.