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Management Discussion
and Analysis
Serving our Members
and Employers

Serving our members is at the heart of everything that we do at PSPP Corporation. Our Purpose is to ensure that our members’ earned pension will be there when they retire. We actively engage with pension plans from across Canada to explore current practices and emerging trends in order to provide the tools and services our members want.

Active Members by Age Group




Active and retired Member Growth Chart

Member Engagement

It’s essential that our members have the most current information about their pension benefits, delivered in accessible ways through the most efficient channels. We evaluate and update our processes every year.

Achievements in 2023:

  • Overview video – We developed a short, 14-minute video to provide members with the opportunity to learn or review the basics about their pension plan at their own pace.
  • Brochures - Your PSPP Pension Plan, an introductory brochure to familiarize new members with the basics of their pension plan, was published in 2023. It is intended as a companion to the new video and is the first of many focused brochures on topics important to PSPP members.
  • PSPP Onboarding Presentation – An in-person, 30 minute presentation was designed to give new hires information about pension partners, beneficiaries, and contribution calculations as well as registering for their YPP.
  • In-person Member Presentations – We continue to offer regular online member sessions and have now added in-person sessions. We presented four in-person sessions in 2023.
  • Paperless annual statements – To increase the security of member information, PSPP active and deferred members now have exclusive access to their annual statements in their online portal, Your Pension Profile (YPP). Pensioners will see this change in 2024.
  • Retirement process – We reviewed the retirement process in 2023 to see where member experiences could be improved. Changes will be implemented in 2024.
  • PSPP Talks – We produced two of our electronic newsletters in 2023. Each is produced in two versions, one with specific information for active and deferred members, and the other for retired members. PSPP Talks is only sent out when there is important information to be shared.

Helping our members understand their pension Plan

Members have access to a suite of online webinars. Registration is convenient and easy. The following webinars are available:

  • PSPP Overview
  • Preparing for retirement
  • Step by step to retirement
  • Life in retirement

In 2023, PSPP Corporation delivered almost 100 member sessions. Nearly 4,000 members attended these sessions for an increase of almost 1,500 (60%) from 2022. Our goal is to surpass our reach year over year.

As more members attend these sessions and get acquainted with their online tools, more members register for Your Pension Profile (YPP).

    % change from 2022
Total Registrations 54,802 12% increase
% of Active members enrolled 62.5% 5.2% increase
% of Deferred members enrolled 45.5% 4.4% increase
% of Retired members enrolled 56.6% 13.4% increase

61% of PSPP members are registered for YPP, for an increase of 8% over 2022.

Online services

More and more members are using online tools to manage their pension.

    % change from 2022
Pension applications 609 46% increase
Secure Messages 2,924 9.2% increase
Information changes 19,540 13% increase

More than 50% of pension applications were conducted through YPP in 2023.

Employer Engagement

Our participating employers play an integral role in ensuring PSPP’s overall success. Employers are often the first point of contact for members requiring information about the Plan. As such, it is critical that we build strong relationships with our employers. We do this through regular touchpoints to understand how to best support them.

Our added value proposition to PSPP employers

PSPP employers have access to a dedicated Stakeholder Representative who is there to answer their questions and direct them to the proper contacts as needed.

Achievements in 2023:

  • PSPP Pension Dispatch – Every month, we distribute an electronic newsletter to administrative contacts among our employers. In these newsletters, we provide updates on reporting and online tools or resources, deadlines for specific actions, as well as notices about server maintenance.
  • Pulse Checks – As part of our employer support program, we conduct annual, in-person Pulse Checks. Our Stakeholder Representative tours each employer site to answer questions, provide resources, and work through a checklist of standard procedures to make sure that employers are comfortable with each stage of the reporting process.
  • Targeted education – In partnership with APS, we provide online education sessions to employers on important year-end reporting processes.
  • Employer website tab – In 2023, we added an Employer tab to the PSPP website. Not only does this tab include information about the benefits of being a PSPP employer and how to become one, but it also has a password-protected section with specific instructions about filing reports, timelines and a bookings area for member information sessions.

Employer Round Table Sessions

During the 2023 year, PSPP Corporation held two roundtable events for our employers, one in Calgary and one in Edmonton. Twenty-three of our employers attended the roundtable events. Roundtable events give employers an opportunity to network with their peers while discussing various ideas and issues with their reporting obligations. The roundtable forum also gives PSPP Corporation the ability to update Employers on any changes to Plan benefits or administration and add valuable employer training to better support their employee/member needs.

"Overall valuable & informative session"

Communication Our employers and members should be the Plan's biggest advocates. To bolster commitment to the Plan we need employers to appreciate its benefits to talent recruitment and retention, and members to appreciate its contribution to their long term security. These outcomes must be achieved through leading and proven communication approaches to inspire engagement, interest, understanding of and commitment to the Plan.

From the PSPP Corporation Strategic Plan, 2024-2026